
"It's not my cup of tea!"
9th December 2024
Do you know what this well-known idiom* means? Spoiler alert, answer: it means that something is suitable or attractive to you. It was with a little sadness and dismay that I recently read in a BBC online news report that tea,...

IELTS for UKVI - the Latest Info!
9th October 2024
If you want to study at a British, Australian or New Zealand (and increasingly in the USA) higher education institution, it is highly likely that you will require an IELTS qualification. If, however, you are looking to move to the UK...

A Tale of Two Steaming Cities: Beppu and Bath
9th September 2024
“If you don’t use it you lose it!”. If you are a language learner you may have heard this said to you by your teacher. This phrase is sadly true - I can speak from experience. I have studied 4 foreign languages, Japanese being my most...

How to start writing: To write or not to write
15th September 2023
You may have heard of something called ‘writer’s block’, the inability of a writer to come up with an idea or ideas to progress their writing. It can happen to even the most proficient of writers. But sometimes it can be difficult to...